
Special thanks to our sponsors for WOPM-2024:



MAG4Health, a European start-up, pioneers Quantum technology in MEG, offering a turnkey optically-pumped magnetometers (OPM)-MEG system that operates at room temperature eliminating cryogenics and suppressing heat dissipation issues. The large dynamic range and frequency bandwidth enhance accessibility for a wide range of applications in academic and clinical research. 

Website: www.mag4health.com  


QuSpin, founded in 2012 and based in Louisville, Colorado, is a leader in developing advanced optical magnetometers. The company specializes in non-cryogenic, highly sensitive magnetic field sensors for biomedical and geophysical applications, utilizing cutting-edge technology to offer flexible, user-friendly solutions.

Website: www.quspin.com


Twinleaf is focused on the research and development of breakthrough new types of optical magnetometer. Twinleaf is home to OMG Optical Magnetic Gradiometer and PPM Pulsed Pump Magnetometer - the most sensitive magnetometers for use unshielded in the real world.

Website: www.twinleaf.com

If you're interested in sponsoring WOPM-2024 please contact the organizing committee