WOPM-2022 Archive

17th November 2022: WOPM-2022 Session Recordings

Thank you to all who participated in WOPM-2022!

We are pleased to announce the recordings from WOPM- 2022 are now available. You can access individual links to each talk on the program schedule, no password is required.


 29th July 2022: WOPM-2022 Registration, Accommodation and Programme

We are now just a month away from the meeting in Birmingham and it is time to register. Please go to https://biomag2020.org/satellite-meetings/ and ensure your place this year. You will also have the option to register for BIOMAG single day at a discounted rate.

The university offers accommodation on campus that can be added to your registration. Please go to https://biomag2020.org/accommodation/ to see the options. If you need to add these on at a later stage please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Registration deadlines:

The hotel facilities for the meeting are now rapidly becoming more scarce and we are going to have to commit to attendee numbers by 3th of August. That means that increasing numbers after that day is at a higher price, so unfortunately after that date the registration fee will increase by £50.

The registration will ultimately close on 17th of August, so please register as soon as possible for this first full-scale in-person WOPM meeting in three years. 


We are also pleased to announce the draft programme for WOPM-2022.

9th June 2022: WOPM-2022 Registration

Abstract submission is now closed.

To register to attend WOPM-2022 please visit BIOMAG 2022 (Satellite meetings).

For any questions regarding registration and accommodation please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

22nd April 2022: Abstract Submission

Abstract submission is now open. Please note the submission deadline for WOPM-2022 is Monday 16th May 2022. 

29th March 2022: WOPM-2022 Launch

We are pleased to announce this year’s Workshop on Optically Pumped Magnetometers (WOPM-2022), which will be held as a satellite to BIOMAG 2022 (https://biomag2020.org/#) in Birmingham, UK.


WOPM-2022 will start a day earlier than BIOMAG and run for a full day on Sunday 28th of August (plan on a Saturday arrival in Birmingham). The subject of that day will primarily be sensor development and technology while applications of OPMs in biomagnetism will be covered in a separate session on the Monday in parallel with BIOMAG. Additionally, there are several symposia on OPMs planned at BIOMAG optimising the synergies between the two meetings.


We would like to encourage the WOPM community to submit relevant contributions to BIOMAG and be aware that the poster submission deadline is Thursday 7th April. 


The submission deadline for WOPM-2022 will be Monday 16th May. The submission will be through this site and will be available shortly.



WOPM-2022 Schedule

CT: Contributed Talk, IS: Invited Speaker

All times are Central European Summer Time (CEST)

Sunday 28th August 2022


Welcome to WOPM 2022!

9.10-9.40  Svenja Knappe
FieldLine Medical Inc
Towards a commercial high-density full-head OPMMEG system
Session Recording
9.40-10.00 Vishal Shah
QuSpin, Inc.
Hybrid Scalar-Triaxial Atomic Magnetometer 
Session Recording
10.00-10.20 Niall Holmes 
University of Nottingham
The matrix coil: reconfigurable active shielding
Session Recording
10.20-10.40 Yu Zheng
Chinese Academy of Sciences
A preliminary study of magnetic field noise suppression method towards the moving magnetoencephalography
Session Recording

Rachel Dawson
University of Strathclyde

Compact Portable SERF Sensor for MEG 
Session Recording


Coffee Break

11.30-12.00  Thomas Coussens
University of Sussex
Open circuit current density imaging of lithium-ion batteries using SERF OPMs 
12.00-12.20 Katrijn Everaert 
Ghent University / PTB
A tabletop Optically Pumped Magnetometer setup for the monitoring of magnetic nanoparticle clustering with Thermal Noise Magnetometry
Session Recording
12.20-12.40 Michael Tayler
ICFO - Institute of Photonic Sciences
Mass-producible miniature atomic vapor sensors
Session Recording
12.40-13.00 Rujie Li
The University of Adelaide
Enhancing the sensitivity of an NMOR magnetometer


Lunch and Posters

15.00-15.30 Benjamin Maddox
University College London
Electromagnetic Induction Imaging with Atomic Magnetometers in Real-World Scenarios 
Session Recording
15.30-15.50 Philipp Rößner
Technical University Munich
A highly drift-stable atomic magnetometer for fundamental physics experiments 
Session Recording
15.50-16.10 Allan McWilliam
University of Strathclyde
Accurate and precise magnetometry using Cs MEMS cells using a dual-beam configuration
Session Recording


Coffee Break

16.40-17.00 Thanmay Menon
University of Colorado Boulder
Rabi Vector Magnetometry Implemented with Hot Alkali Vapor
Session Recording
17.00-17.20 Siqi Liu
University of Science and Technology of China
Low-temperature compact atomic vector magnetometer for highly sensitive and stable weak field detection
Session Recording
17.20-17.40 Yongqi Shi
University of Basel
Atomic vapor cell-based microwave spectrum analyzer with 1GHz instantaneous analysis bandwidth
Session Recording

Berkeley: PDT (CEST -9)
New York: EDT (CEST -6)
Barcelona/Mainz/Krakow: CEST 
Beijing: CST (CEST +6)
Tokyo: JST (CEST +7)