The scientific committee evaluates abstracts based on scientific merit and novelty, with an interest in ensuring diversity and promoting the meeting as a forum for early career researchers. The committee, together with the local organizing committee, will decide on the final workshop program. The committee may choose to select a number of talks for slightly longer presentations based on scientific assessment and in the interest of balancing the meeting by highlighting the diversity of the field.


Contributions from the commercial sector are welcome and will be treated and evaluated as contributions to a scientific meeting. Abstracts and conference presentations should meet the standard of research widely shared in the community. Authors are responsible for ensuring they do not present pre-releasable or proprietary information.


An invitation letter for visa applications is made available during registration on the BIOMAG website.

Please refer to Abstract Guidance before submission


Please use the following form for WOPM-2024 abstract submission (talk or poster presentation). Submission of a one-page abstract in pdf format for the poster/talk participation is required following the abstract guidance.

Please note, late submissions are possible for posters only. the submissions deadline for WOPM-2024 is Monday 20th May 3rd June 2024.

Please refer to Abstract Guidance before submission